Don't miss
The Verb this week on Radio 3! I'll be appearing alongside writers, academics and the OED-storming Ian McMillan for 'a cabaret of language, poetry and performance'. Sitting in the august studio that brings us Woman's Hour and In Our Time, I will try to speak intelligibly about my story, 'The Siren of May'. This has been recorded for broadcast, so even if I end up sounding like a literary version of John Prescott, at least my story will come out ungarbled. Other subjects for discussion include dictionaries and mottoes... and there's a hilarious 'eartoon' by Peter Blegvad.
Really enjoyed listening to you read “The Sirens of May"; especially the way the first sentences immediately draw you into Niles' predicament: Be careful what you wish for. Liked the use of the word ‘obscene’ to describe the sound the mermaid makes as he dumps her back into the salt water and the theme that the tighter one holds onto something, the more it slips away.
Is there somewhere I might read the text, either for purchase or loan?
Really enjoyed listening to you read “The Sirens of May"; especially the way the first sentences immediately draw you into Niles' predicament: Be careful what you wish for. Liked the use of the word ‘obscene’ to describe the sound the mermaid makes as he dumps her back into the salt water and the theme that the tighter one holds onto something, the more it slips away.
Is there somewhere I might read the text, either for purchase or loan?
Dear Kay,
Many thanks for posting your generous comment. It's heartening to get such feedback.
The story belongs to a collection which I'm trying to finish for the moment. The radio broadcast was its first outing and it has yet to be published. However, I'd be happy to send you the text to read by email. Just send me your details in a comment: I won't publish it.
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