Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Free readings at the Edinburgh Festival

Last year was the wettest, most sodden festival in history: a sort of end-times carnival of the arts. 2009 looks set to be rather more clement and already the usual tents are up in the Meadows, my girlfriend has been presented with her first flyer and a giant purple cow has been tipped over on Bristo Square. Yup, it's that time of year when Edinburgh's population doubles, enterprising citizens rent out their flats to amateur dramatic companies dreaming of glory for their cabaret version of King Lear, and I spend more money than is sensible on all sorts of edifying - and some not so edifying - events.

Last year I had a new novel to sell, which took me to the Edinburgh Book Festival proper. This year I haven't got a new book but that hasn't stopped me securing a few reading 'gigs' - which brings me to the purpose of this post. If you're around and able to make it to any of the following events, do give them a try. Each one is absolutely FREE!


I'll be reading with my friend, the very excellent poet and novelist Mike Stocks, at Edinburgh Books on Thursday 13 August at 7.30 pm. Poems, stories, polemic (maybe) and drama all in one, watched over by Clarence.


Edinburgh's (still, just) only independent bookshop, the invaluable Word Power Books, will be hosting me and the dauntingly brilliant Alan Bissett on Tuesday 18 August at 2.30 pm. Come and see Alan perform excerpts from his new novel, Death of a Ladies' Man. I can't think of a novelist more skilled at interpreting his own work. You'd be a fool to skip this. As indeed would I.


There will be two opportunities to hear me read my short stories this year in Charlotte Square. Both events are scheduled for Monday 24 August.

At 10 am I will be reading at the Writers Retreat. This is a short, 10-minute taster to set you up for the day.

At 4 pm I will be performing in the Festival Bookshop.

Do come along to any of these events. There will be chat, drinks (in some instances) and opportunities to order my forthcoming short story collection .


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