A noble synonym for fool
It was only after his death that Flaubert's 'dictionary' - a compendium of lazy, received opinions that contributed, in his mind, to the bêtise of the French bourgeoisie - was discovered among his papers. Ploughing my way through this funny, sometimes maddening document has not been without its dangers; for as Flaubert himself discovered, to keep company with sloppy thinking is to be infected by it, to come face to face with one's own propensity for thinking and speaking in clichés. Like his novel, Bouvard and Pécuchet, the project of the Dictionary was unfinishable: for there are always new thought-turds to add to the midden heap of received opinions. And as we watch our media grappling with another general election, and grit our teeth at the platitudes that pass for political discourse, we could very well sit down and begin our own, 21st Century compendium...